
Remarkable Woman of the Month -April, 2020

Remarkable Woman of the Month -April, 2020

In these difficult times we wish to recognize the heroics of the health-care professionals who are saving lives every day by honoring those of the past. Some of those may have been suffragists. All were brave. Martha Minerva Franklin, 1870 – 1968 When we think of heroic, trail blazing nurses we think almost immediately of […]

Good Reads for Tough Times

Although there has been an understandable halt to programs and celebrations of the suffrage centennial there are many wonderful books circulating that help keep the story alive. Your public library is probably closed but you can still access these titles as e-books through your library’s web site, or on Amazon. The Woman’s Hour: The Great […]

Hot on the Suffrage Trail!

Hot on the Suffrage Trail!

The woman suffrage movement came alive for a few days last week when my husband and I visited Newport Rhode Island, summer home of prominent suffragist Alva Vanderbilt Belmont. Alva’s opulent Beaux Art mansion, Marble House, was built for her as a 39th birthday present by her first husband, Willie K. Vanderbilt, grandson of Cornelius […]

Happy Birthday, Aunt Susan!

Happy Birthday, Aunt Susan!

The Long Island Woman Suffrage Association visited a local fourth grade last week to talk about the contributions of Susan B. Anthony and to make colorful birthday cards in honor of her 200th Birthday on February 15th. We then sent some to the Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum in Adams, MA, and some to the […]

Suffragettes in Corselettes!

Not only did suffragists have to work hard for the vote, but they also had to endure being physically twisted and conformed by society into what was considered a “desired shape.” Join the mother-daughter team of Velya Janez-Urban and Chris Urban for “Suffragettes In Corselettes: the Evolution of Underwear and Our 19th Amendment,” noon, Wednesday […]

Suffrage Comes to the Rose  Parade!

Suffrage Comes to the Rose Parade!

On Wednesday, January 1, 2020 a woman suffrage float, bedecked with thousands of vials of yellow roses will lead the historic Rose Parade in Pasadena, California to celebrate the ratification in 2020 of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution granting all women throughout the United States the right to vote.  The theme of this year’s […]

Suffrage Holiday Shopping!

As we approach the gift giving season you might want to treat your favorite suffragist to a gift that will help them celebrate the ratification of the 19th Amendment next year while having a bit of fun. Books for Adults: The Woman’s Hour: the Great Fight to Win the Vote, by Elaine Weiss. One of […]

We Love A Parade!

We Love A Parade!

What a wonderful time we had marching in the Columbus Day parade in Huntington NY last Sunday! A crisp fall day, flags waving, bands playing, and thousands gathered to celebrate the accomplishments of one of our most important historical figures, Christopher Columbus. The theme of the parade was the “Year of the Woman,” and to emphasize […]

We Love a Parade!

Just a reminder that we are marching in the Columbus Day parade on Sunday, October 13, 2019 in Huntington, beginning at 11am. Join us as we celebrate the hard-working suffragists and the upcoming centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment. Email me at lisuffrage@gmail.com for details. See you at the parade!

Happy Women’s Equality Day – August 26th!

Today, August 26th, we celebrate Women’s Equality Day, the day the 19th Amendment granting all women in the United States the right to vote was finally made part of the US Constitution in 1920. The designation of August 26th as Women’s Equality Day was proposed in 1971 by Bella Abzug, representative from the 19th Congressional District in […]

Suffrage Centennial News:

The number of exhibits and celebrations planned to celebrate the 2020 ratification of the19th Amendment is growing. These are just a few planned for Washington DC; we trust there will be more to come, both throughout the region and the nation. At the Library of Congress: Shall Not Be Denied: Women Fight for the Vote. Memorabilia […]

Suffrage Centennial News!

Suffrage Centennial News!

Celebration of the 2020 centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment is gearing up! A century after the 19th Amendment was passed, Susan B. Anthony is being honored by having her name adorn a 130-passenger NY Waterway vessel that will ply the Hudson each day, alongside sister ferries Molly Pitcher, Betsy Ross, and more than 30 other […]

Suffrage Biographies On Line

If our Suffragist of the Month feature leaves you wishing for more suffrage biographies, check out this on-line biographical dictionary, with over 950 listed biographies so far. http://documents.alexanderstreet.com/votesforwomen. Their plan is to eventually list stories about over 3000 suffragists. PS – Check out the story of Kitty Marion with a familiar author.

100 Years Ago today - New York Ratifies the 19th Amendment

100 Years Ago today – New York Ratifies the 19th Amendment

On June 16, 1919 New York State was one of the first states to ratify the 19th Amendment to the Constitution giving all women throughout the nation the right to vote. The battle for the vote represented over seventy years of an intense campaign – writing, marching, speaking, publishing newspapers, begging for funds, circulating petitions […]

We Love a Parade!

We Love a Parade!

  A small but dedicated group marched behind the Long Island Woman Suffrage Association banner last Monday at the Glen Cove Memorial Day parade. We were pleased to march to honor those who served our country in the armed forces, as well as those who worked to secure political equality for all. Next year marks […]