Newsday readers have a treat in Sunday’s paper – an article honoring my good friend Dr. Natalie Naylor. Dr. Naylor taught at Hofstra University for 32 years, and is the author of several books and many articles about remarkable women in Long Island’s history. Her latest book, Women In Long Island’s Past features information about such amazing women as Nobel prize winner and scientist Dr. Barbara McClintock, pioneer aviator Elinor Smith, and noted suffragist Rosalie Gardiner Jones.
Dr. Naylor has always unstintingly offered counsel to other lecturers and historians, and has generously shared her knowledge of Long Island women through hundreds of lectures and speeches. No celebration of Women’s History month on Long Island would be complete without honoring her accomplishments as well.
Congratulations, Dr. Natalie Naylor!

Nice to see my old friend and colleague Natalie Naylor’s photograph in a NEWSDAY story about honoring her work celebrating Long Island women.