What a Parade!
Last Sunday dawned bright and beautiful, a perfect day for our suffrage parade in Ronkonkoma. Over 100 people showed up to share in the experience, and honor those brave suffragists who fought for political equality. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Lake Ronkonkoma Free Library, whose local history room was recently named in honor […]
Presidential Proclamation Establishes Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument
Calling it a “centerpiece for the struggle for equality,” President Barack Obama designated the Sewall-Belmont House in Washington DC a National Monument on Tuesday, April 12, 2016. The present Sewall-Belmont House has been home to the National Woman’s Party since 1929, and houses an incredibly rich collection of scrapbooks, artifacts, banners, books, political cartoons, photographs, […]
Thanks for Trailblazer Award from Delia DeRiggi-Whitton
My sincere thanks goes to Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton of Nassau Legislative District 11 for designating me her Trailblazer for 2016. Each year Nassau legislators celebrate Women’s History Month by honoring the work and achievement of one woman from each of their districts. I was thrilled to be chosen this year and honored to be among such a distinguished group […]
Important New York Suffrage Centennial News
Plans to celebrate the New York State Suffrage Centennial are moving along, and we are waiting to hear from the New York State Legislature about funding in the Governor’s budget. We are hoping for a generous amount from each legislative body. To that end we need supporters to write to their local senators and assembly […]
UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60)
Yesterday I was privileged to attend the opening of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60) at the United Nations, as a representative of the League of Women Voters. Thousands of men and women from all over the world have come together to discuss issues relating to women’s empowerment and their common search for […]
International Women’s Day, March 8th
Celebrate International Women’s Day today. Log onto http://internationalwomensday.com and get involved!
100 Years Ago Today, February 20, 1916
Suffrage Operetta Gives $8,000 to the Cause On February 20, 1916 the New York Times reported that Alva Belmont staged the operetta, “Melinda and Her Sisters,” at the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City to benefit the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage. The play netted $8,000, proceeds “to be used for […]
Happy Birthday, Susan B. Anthony
On February 15, 1820 Susan Brownwell Anthony was born in Adams, Massachusetts, the second of 7 children. Her family moved to Rochester New York when she was seven years old, and it was there she made her home for the rest of her life. Both towns have homes that seek to keep the memory of […]
Valentines for Votes
Send St. Valentine to Plead for Votes Suffragists Bombard President and Congress with Dripping Hearts and Vines The New York Times reported that on February 14, 1916 the Congressional Union, headed by Alice Paul and Lucy Burns sent Valentines to the President and all members of Congress with poems and sticky sweet greetings, urging them […]
One Hundred Years Ago Today, February 3, 1916
Harriot Goes to Kansas One hundred years ago today Long Island resident Harriot Stanton Blatch was tired of waiting for New York to give women the vote, and so announced she was buying another residence in Kansas. Kansas law stated that if a woman owned property in the State for six months she could then vote […]
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Birthday Follow-Up
On November 10, about 60 fourth graders and their teachers from the East Street School in Hicksville, NY celebrated the 200th anniversary of the birth of Elizabeth Cady Stanton by making birthday cards, listening to the wonderful book, Elizabeth Leads the Way, and enjoying a delicious snack. The cards were then sent to the Women’s Rights National Historic […]
A Call to Action!
The Long Island Woman Suffrage Association is joining with other groups throughout NY State urging Governor Cuomo to sign into law the bill to create a New York State Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission. As you might remember, the bill passed unanimously in both houses of the NY State Legislature earlier this year. Please consider signing […]
Happy Birthday, Elizabeth Cady Stanton!
Today marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, one of the leaders of the woman suffrage movement, and on Tuesday, in celebration, the fourth-graders of East Street School in Hicksville, New York created delightful birthday cards to commemorate the day. Fifty-seven children listened attentively to a reading of the wonderful children’s book, Elizabeth Leads […]
One Hundred Years Ago Today – November 2, 1915
On the eve of Election Day we remember another election day, November 2, 1915. That day New York State voters made their feeling known about the passage of an amendment to the State’s Constitution granting women the right to vote, and the news was not good. Despite years of campaigning, speaking, writing, petitioning and marching […]
One Hundred Years Ago today – October 23, 1915
New York City Suffrage Parade, October 23, 1915 1915 was a pivotal year for the woman suffrage movement in New York State. After years of struggle there was a glimmer of hope that the New York State Legislature would hold a referendum on the adoption of an amendment to the New York State Constitution giving […]
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