Theodore Roosevelt Changes His Mind About Suffrage
September 8th marked the 96th anniversary of the historic day that Theodore Roosevelt invited suffrage leaders to his home at Sagamore Hill in Oyster Bay to reiterate his whole-hearted support for the woman suffrage movement. New York women had lost their bid for the vote in 1915, and were gearing up to work for passage […]

1909 Gala Suffrage Gathering at Newport Rhode Island
August 23 marks the 104th anniversary of the gala open-house held at Marble House in Newport, Rhode Island, home of prominent and wealthy suffragist, Alva Vanderbilt Belmont. (photo below). It was one of the first open-air meetings promoting suffrage to be held in the staid, conservative community. The New York Times reported that the featured speaker […]

Happy Birthday Inez Milholland Boissevain
Today, August 6 marks the 132nd birthday of the courageous suffragist, Inez Milholland Bosssevain, whose early death while campaigning for suffrage resulted in her being hailed as a “martyr” for the cause. Inez was born August 6, 1886 to a wealthy, progressive family in Brooklyn, New York. Her family spent much of their time in London, […]
The Suffrage Movement on the East End of Long Island
Some of the most devoted suffragists were located on the East End of Long Island, both on the north and south forks, and much of the work of these remarkable women has been documented by Arlene Hinkemeyer of East Hampton. Arlene has been gathering information and facts about the East End suffragists for some time, […]

Happy 100th Birthday to the Suffrage Wagon!
Today, July 1, 2013, is the hundredth birthday of the famous Suffrage Wagon, the Spirit of 1776, that carried Edna and Serena Kearns and other suffragists all over Long Island. By proclamation of the Governor, July 1 was named Suffrage Wagon Day in New York. For all the wonderful details, log onto the Suffrage Wagon News […]
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