Huntington Marker Dedication a Huge Success!


Under a sunny, bright blue sky over seventy people gathered at the corner of Main and Wall Streets in Huntington Tuesday afternoon to dedicate another historic marker honoring the woman suffrage movement. The marker commemorated a gathering that had been held on that corner in July,1913, that saw over a thousand people converge to rally for woman suffrage. In the midst of the parade there was a confrontation over the use of the suffrage wagon owned by Edna Buckman Kearns, grandmother of Marguerite Kearns, by its previous owners, anti-suffragist Mary Livingston Jones and the Hewlett family, all staunch anti-suffragists. The marker commemorates the passion and determination of suffrage leaders to overcome any and all obstacles.

We would like to thank Huntington Town Supervisor Chad Lupinacci, Huntington Historian Robert Hughes, Public Information Officer Lauren Lembo, and everyone who helped make this ceremony a wonderful success. Special thanks to the William G. Pomeroy Foundation for generously funding the marker, and the gentlemen from public works who installed it.

The marker is another step in the Women’s History Trail being constructed on Long Island.


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