Yesterday, November 6, 2017 marked the centennial celebration of New York women winning the vote, and the Long Island Woman Suffrage Association celebrated with the City of Glen Cove by dedicating a historical marker to two Glen Cove suffragists, Helen Deming Pratt and Florence Gibb Pratt. Despite the rain, over 100 friends and family came to show their support, including descendants of the suffragists. Mayor Reginal Spinello arranged for the entire ceremony and offered his support, as did Lisa Travatello from his office. Funding for the marker was generously provided by the William C. Pomeroy Foundation.
The marker has been installed on Dosoris Lane, on the left (going north) near the entrance to the former Pratt estate, Killenworth, former home of Helen Deming Pratt and George DuPont Pratt (now home to the Russian mission). Florence and her husband, Herbert Lee Pratt, lived around the corner, in what is now the Web Institute for Naval Architecture.
Stop by and see a tangible evidence of women’s history in Glen Cove!
Thank you Antonia Petrash, for your research and for working to have this marker placed. Florence Gibb Pratt was my great grandmother and I am so grateful to have some of her brave DNA! It was wonderful to meet you on Monday and so see the crowd very interested in your work and the work of the suffragists. Your speech was elegant.