UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60)
Yesterday I was privileged to attend the opening of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW60) at the United Nations, as a representative of the League of Women Voters. Thousands of men and women from all over the world have come together to discuss issues relating to women’s empowerment and their common search for […]
International Women’s Day, March 8th
Celebrate International Women’s Day today. Log onto http://internationalwomensday.com and get involved!
100 Years Ago Today, February 20, 1916
Suffrage Operetta Gives $8,000 to the Cause On February 20, 1916 the New York Times reported that Alva Belmont staged the operetta, “Melinda and Her Sisters,” at the Grand Ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City to benefit the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage. The play netted $8,000, proceeds “to be used for […]
Happy Birthday, Susan B. Anthony
On February 15, 1820 Susan Brownwell Anthony was born in Adams, Massachusetts, the second of 7 children. Her family moved to Rochester New York when she was seven years old, and it was there she made her home for the rest of her life. Both towns have homes that seek to keep the memory of […]
Valentines for Votes
Send St. Valentine to Plead for Votes Suffragists Bombard President and Congress with Dripping Hearts and Vines The New York Times reported that on February 14, 1916 the Congressional Union, headed by Alice Paul and Lucy Burns sent Valentines to the President and all members of Congress with poems and sticky sweet greetings, urging them […]
One Hundred Years Ago Today, February 3, 1916
Harriot Goes to Kansas One hundred years ago today Long Island resident Harriot Stanton Blatch was tired of waiting for New York to give women the vote, and so announced she was buying another residence in Kansas. Kansas law stated that if a woman owned property in the State for six months she could then vote […]
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