Elizabeth Cady Stanton Birthday Follow-Up

DSC_0029On November 10, about 60 fourth gradIMG_4312ers and their teachers from the East Street School in Hicksville, NY celebrated the 200th anniversary of the birth of Elizabeth Cady Stanton by making birthday cards, listening to the wonderful book, Elizabeth Leads the Way, and enjoying a delicious snack. The cards were then sent to the Women’s Rights National Historic Park in Seneca Falls, NY.

When Ranger Kimberly Szewczyk, Chief of Interpretation and Education, Public Information Officer received the cards she immediately placed them on a table just inside the door of the Wesleyan Chapel where the birthday celebration was to take place. She also sent the school a letter of thanks, and each child received a Junior Ranger badge.

Thanks to Kimberly Szewczyk, Katherine Manning, and the other fourth grade teachers at East Street School, and especially all the children who made the birthday celebration so special.

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